Dido and Aeneas

My first experience of this early opera was by listening to a recording of the final aria sung by the character Dido by Elin Manahan Thomas. Part of the appeal was that it was sung in English so that I could understand it but mostly because of the tender tragedy it expressed. Just to explain … Continue reading Dido and Aeneas

The Proms

Formally known as the ‘Henry Promenade Concerts’ and founded in 1895, The Proms is an 8-week Summer festival that takes place for the most part at The Royal Albert Hall but also at other venues such as Cadogan Hall for chamber music. There are also events in various parks across the UK known as ‘Proms … Continue reading The Proms


Many years ago, a cousin visited me in London and during that trip he took me to my first classical music concert. It was a concerto by Rachmaninoff. Seeing and hearing the scene play out before me left an indelible mark. Now, over ten years later and whilst living in Italy my interest has become … Continue reading Inspiration