

Many years ago, a cousin visited me in London and during that trip he took me to my first classical music concert. It was a concerto by Rachmaninoff. Seeing and hearing the scene play out before me left an indelible mark. Now, over ten years later and whilst living in Italy my interest has become more marked and perhaps like a good wine my tastes have blossomed.

I’m currently studying an introductory course on classical music, not to get bogged down by technicalities but in order to deepen my appreciation of the pieces I will listen to. This blog is the start of systemising that journey.

I hope that by doing so it will add to the richness of my experience and understanding. In turn this will allow me to convey more of the beauty of the pieces that I find pleasure in whilst still retaining an appreciation of the skills and talent that went into creating those that I may feel less of an emotional affinity towards.

This is an interest I’ve never truly explored but have always admired from afar. I hope that for those like me who have developed an interest in classical music, that this blog will be a helpful source of guidance and inspiration into a rich, wonderful world that we can all step into for a time and leave the rest of the world behind.

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