London to Rome


Before creating the blog I looked up concerts in Rome where I’m currently located. One place in particular that I’m interested in visiting soon is the ‘Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia’ or ‘The National Academy of  St. Celia’ in English.

Founded in 1585 by the Papal Bull, it was named after Saint Celia the patron saint of music and is one of the oldest musical institutions in the world. The auditorium is located at Parco della Musica, close to the huge expanse that is the Villa Glori park. I’ve not been there yet but I’ve already checked their schedule for this year and there are some Rachmaninoff concerts that I’m interested in experiencing, particularly ‘Variations on a theme of Paganini’.

I must admit that I haven’t listened to it yet and would prefer to experience the music first-hand, as it’s been highly recommended to me by someone whose tastes are very similar to my own. I’m particularly excited about this occasion as it will be the first concert I will have attended in over 10 years. Not only that but it’ll also be the first concert I’ll have ever attended in Rome.

I’ve included a link to the website for the academy, for those who are interested in learning more about the academy itself, or which concerts will feature in their 2018 calendar. The website can be read in both Italian and English:

Please feel free to share your experiences of the auditorium in the comments section below!

2 thoughts on “London to Rome

  1. Raashmi,
    If the concert hasn’t happened yet, you are in for an incredible experience. My sister and I were playing ping-pong a thousand years ago in a little summer hotel in Woodstock when above us in the lounge room music was playing, something with lush, military-type themes. Then, about 15+ minutes in, tears sprang to our eyes and we stood amazed as we listened for the first time to one of the mos tbeautiiful moments in all music-dom. Hang in with the Variations on a Theme by Paganini, and bring some strong,Italian tissues.

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