Piano Lessons

I’ve decided to try to learn how to play the piano and hopefully I can start within the next few months! Since I had the idea for this blog and have been listening to classical music so much more, my admiration and desire for piano pieces has grown all the more greater!  I plucked up … Continue reading Piano Lessons

Music Student Update

I’ve been working my way through the course and I thought I’d share a little of what I’ve learnt with you all. It also serves as good mental exercise, keeping my memory fresh! I learnt about beat, rhythm and meter in further detail, as well as harmony, melody and chord progressions. I’ll go into further … Continue reading Music Student Update

Music Student

An update on the course that I’m studying. At the moment I’ve worked through how classical music compares to popular music and why music in general can appeal to us so strongly. The course has touched upon some pieces of greater-known works by a handful of composers, breaking down the key components of the music. … Continue reading Music Student