Orchestra Arcus Regalis

Last Saturday night I attended the debut concert of an orchestra composed of students and maestros from the Santa Celia conservatory in Rome. The conductor was Letizia Vennarini. The music itself consisted of interpretations of ‘the most beautiful baroque repertoire’ to quote the information available via the orchestra’s social media account on Facebook. The orchestra … Continue reading Orchestra Arcus Regalis

Festival of Caracalla

Today I would like to share a part of the Italian performance art scene here in Rome. The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma is an opera house that features events at the Baths of Caracalla, (pronounced caRA-caLA) which were the city’s second-largest public baths built by the Romans in around 211 AD. Thought to have been … Continue reading Festival of Caracalla

London to Rome

Before creating the blog I looked up concerts in Rome where I'm currently located. One place in particular that I’m interested in visiting soon is the ‘Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia’ or ‘The National Academy of  St. Celia’ in English. Founded in 1585 by the Papal Bull, it was named after Saint Celia the patron … Continue reading London to Rome