Dido and Aeneas

My first experience of this early opera was by listening to a recording of the final aria sung by the character Dido by Elin Manahan Thomas. Part of the appeal was that it was sung in English so that I could understand it but mostly because of the tender tragedy it expressed. Just to explain … Continue reading Dido and Aeneas

The Margravial Opera House

I chanced upon an article about this mesmerising opera house located in Bayreuth, Germany and had to share it all with you! It’s been closed to the public for six years for extensive refurbishment and has very recently reopened. What’s incredible about this opera house is its sheer opulence and the fact that the interior … Continue reading The Margravial Opera House

Festival of Caracalla

Today I would like to share a part of the Italian performance art scene here in Rome. The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma is an opera house that features events at the Baths of Caracalla, (pronounced caRA-caLA) which were the city’s second-largest public baths built by the Romans in around 211 AD. Thought to have been … Continue reading Festival of Caracalla